The best way for us to handle requests for delivery, invoice requests, billing concerns, ups shipments etc. is to use e-mail. If you can e-mail your questions to [email protected] we will handle your request promptly or forward it to the person who can answer your questions best.
Prices in this catalog are wholesale and are available only to companies who resell this merchandise. Tax ID numbers are required.
Prices are subject to change without notice
Delivery depends on work load and cannot be guaranteed. Our average turnaround time for screen printing or embroidery is under 5 working days from order approval. Reruns go even faster. Allow extra time on new orders to have the artwork or embroidery tapes prepared, sampled and approved. We do have rush service to expedite your order. Even though you are paying a rush charge, on time delivery cannot be guaranteed, and we will not be responsible for extra shipping charges to get an order delivered.
All Screens, Patterns, Tapes, Discs and Artwork are the property of Monogram Center. In most cases this work is performed for much less than actual costs. These items may be purchased for an additional charge.
Counts on shirts. Our counts must be considered final. When your shirts are shipped to our factory they have been counted and checked by the distributor. Checked and counted by our staff before decorating and counted before being shipped to your customer. Most people in the industry know how difficult it is to count 200 shirts. We know ourselves from training new employees. Untrained people often come up short on the counts.
Misprints We are darn good, but not perfect. If you need exact amounts on difficult, (multi-color, or multiple prints on a garment) please supply extra garments. Damages are about 1/2 of 1%, even less on large orders. If shirts are damaged in printing we will, if possible, supply our own stock to replenish. Our shirts may not match. We are sorry, but we can not reprint 1 or 2 ruined shirts on a multi-color print, so please order extra if necessary.
Limited Liability on mistakes Monogram Center will limit our responisibility on damages, mistakes, misspellings etc. to no more than 3 times the cost of the work performed. If we put a $2.00 embellishment on a $50.00 item we will be responsible for 3 times the cost of the work performed or $6.00 per garment.
Order Changes or corrections. We will make every attempt to change or cancel an order once put into production, but we will not be responsible for orders printed or shipped as submitted.
Shipping Info Monogram Center charges a small handling charge to all cartons. At our descretion we may use our own trucks, messengers or other methods to save on shipping charges and or to get the delivery to the customer. Monogram will not be responsible for paying extra shipping charges to get a late delivery to the customer no matter who's fault it may be. We will make every attempt to use third party UPS, Fed X or the like shipping numbers, but will not be responsible if we use our own number.
Storing Customers Garments. We have room to store for immediate printing, over 100,000 tee shirts, but this space fills up quickly Please make sure you have an idea of what is going on the shirts, and how they will be shipped out when they are complete. It is important that the garments get moving ASAP especially on the large orders, 25,000 up. On the large orders we want to start printing them today and get them out the door. Pallets left over 30 days will be charged $1.00 per pallet per day from the time they arrived.
Prices in this catalog are wholesale and are available only to companies who resell this merchandise. Tax ID numbers are required.
Prices are subject to change without notice
Delivery depends on work load and cannot be guaranteed. Our average turnaround time for screen printing or embroidery is under 5 working days from order approval. Reruns go even faster. Allow extra time on new orders to have the artwork or embroidery tapes prepared, sampled and approved. We do have rush service to expedite your order. Even though you are paying a rush charge, on time delivery cannot be guaranteed, and we will not be responsible for extra shipping charges to get an order delivered.
All Screens, Patterns, Tapes, Discs and Artwork are the property of Monogram Center. In most cases this work is performed for much less than actual costs. These items may be purchased for an additional charge.
Counts on shirts. Our counts must be considered final. When your shirts are shipped to our factory they have been counted and checked by the distributor. Checked and counted by our staff before decorating and counted before being shipped to your customer. Most people in the industry know how difficult it is to count 200 shirts. We know ourselves from training new employees. Untrained people often come up short on the counts.
Misprints We are darn good, but not perfect. If you need exact amounts on difficult, (multi-color, or multiple prints on a garment) please supply extra garments. Damages are about 1/2 of 1%, even less on large orders. If shirts are damaged in printing we will, if possible, supply our own stock to replenish. Our shirts may not match. We are sorry, but we can not reprint 1 or 2 ruined shirts on a multi-color print, so please order extra if necessary.
Limited Liability on mistakes Monogram Center will limit our responisibility on damages, mistakes, misspellings etc. to no more than 3 times the cost of the work performed. If we put a $2.00 embellishment on a $50.00 item we will be responsible for 3 times the cost of the work performed or $6.00 per garment.
Order Changes or corrections. We will make every attempt to change or cancel an order once put into production, but we will not be responsible for orders printed or shipped as submitted.
Shipping Info Monogram Center charges a small handling charge to all cartons. At our descretion we may use our own trucks, messengers or other methods to save on shipping charges and or to get the delivery to the customer. Monogram will not be responsible for paying extra shipping charges to get a late delivery to the customer no matter who's fault it may be. We will make every attempt to use third party UPS, Fed X or the like shipping numbers, but will not be responsible if we use our own number.
Storing Customers Garments. We have room to store for immediate printing, over 100,000 tee shirts, but this space fills up quickly Please make sure you have an idea of what is going on the shirts, and how they will be shipped out when they are complete. It is important that the garments get moving ASAP especially on the large orders, 25,000 up. On the large orders we want to start printing them today and get them out the door. Pallets left over 30 days will be charged $1.00 per pallet per day from the time they arrived.